Monday, December 13, 2010

How It's Done (Pages 125-182)

Weeks after the argument that Grace had with her father, she began to look for wedding dresses with Liv.  Dress after dress they looked until Grace finally fell in love with this plain white dress which made her look like an angel.  After picking out dresses Liv and Grace went to Michael's house to plan what time he was going to drive them to one of their most popular high school parties.  Michael gave Grace a sad look and told her that he doesn't want her to go to the party because his colleagues are coming together for a meeting and he wanted Grace to meet them.  Grace was very angry at first because she wanted to go to the party, but she decided to join him knowing that she had to make compromises for her new fiancé.  Michael saw that Grace was not really happy about missing the party so he told her that she could enjoy the party until 9:00 and then she had to return to the colleges meeting.  At the party Liv and Grace had a fun time talking with friends and dancing all night.  Even though many of Grace's friends told her that she was making a big mistake by getting married so young, she ignored them and kept having a good time. When time was up Liv and Grace began to drive to the colleges meeting, but because of a train they were running late.  While the train was driving by Liv told Grace about all the trouble she was having at home with her mom trying to commit suicide and her father was too drunk to help her.  After telling Grace about everything that has been going on she told her that she was planning to ask Michael to help her get away from her parents permanently.  Angry at her proposal, Grace told her that he would never do anything like that and she was making a huge mistake for trying to drag him into her situation.  Liv felt betrayed and yelled at Grace saying that she is not a good friend by not even trying to help her and by implying that Michael would never do anything like that to help.  Grace felt bad about what she said, so she told her that she would ask Michael if he could help her, even though she was very angry with that plan. 

"You think you know them, maybe, and after living with them for your whole life you should know them, but you don't

This quote to me was like a red flag in this chapter.  It stood out to me because I know (as the reader) that Grace feels that Michael is the greatest guy ever, but there is a possibility that when she get married to him she may discover that he is not as great as she thinks he is.  Even though Liv said this quote to represent how she feels about her life, if it possible that this could be foreshadowing what Grace might feel in the future.

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