Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Film Review)

Review Summary
In the DVD Verdict Review by Judge David Packard he says that he was amazed at the actors and how wonderful they did. He also stated that near the end of the film, where Eddie met the fifthh peron, he was amazed at how the fifth person was relevant to his life. He felt that the scene with the fifth person was very sweet and heart warming. Even though he had mostly nice things to say about the film he felt that some of the narration may have been obvious and unnessasary. His example was the scene where Eddie and the rest of the soldiers were walking through the jungle with riffles in their hand ready to fire and the narrator says "War changes men. It fills them with fear, with courage, with a sense of adventure. Eddie had wanted to see a world beyond Ruby Pier. And for a while, he did." Judge David Packard felt that this quote was unnessasary because it was a very obvious statement. Overall, he felt that The Five People You Meet in Heaven was a nice movie.
I agree with almost everything that Judge David Packard said. I was amazed at the ending when Eddie finally saw that the fifth person he met in heaven was the little girl that he thought he saw in the fire. Even after reading the book, I still felt that this was a very powerful scene in the movie. I do not agree with him when he says that the narration was obvious and unnessasary. I felt that the narration was on point, and very much needed. Without the obvious narration the scene would have been really quiet and awkward in a way. I personally felt that the film was very well organized and put together.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Film)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven in my opinion is one of the most enjoyable stories I have read and seen. I loved that the story line of the movie was very accurate, if not identical to the novel. The makers of the movie did an incredible job desplaying Eddie thoughts and actions throughout the whole movie. Throughout the whole film, Eddie kept flipping back and forth between his past and present experiences. The makers of the movie continuosly used fades to smoothly transition from one time period to the next. The fades made it convincing to its audience watching (or reading the film) that Eddie was reminiscing about his past events. What I loved most about the movie is that with each person that Eddie (played by Jon Voight) visited, they each gave a very valuable lesson about life and how one can make it better for themself. Even though the actors said the same lines that were writen in the book, they each said the words with such power and meaning that made me personally want to be a better person. The only thing that I was not nessasarily happy with was that the movie is a more romanticized version of some of the events that Eddie went through. One example of this would be when Eddie met the fifth person in heaven. When the fifth person revealed what she looked like when she was burned in the war, the book described her in a way that made her look grotesque. She looked so bad that Eddie was afraid to look at her, but in the movie it looked like she might have gotten a second degree burn rather than a burn that killed her. Overall I love this movie, and I would recommend it to anyone.

"Holding anger is a poison...It eats you from inside...We think that by hating someone we hurt them...But hatred is a curved blade...and the harm we do to others...we also do to ourselves..." (Ruby)

Even though this is the same quote that is said in the book, I believe this is the most valuable quote throughout the whole movie. I loved how Ruby explained to Eddie that keeping anger is never the answer, and does nothing more than hurt the person who feels all the hatred. This movie is a great example of how people should live their everyday lives. If people would listen to the values that are listed in this movie, the world would be a better place.